25. June 2017

The Rhodes Experience


Rhodes is one of the biggest Greek islands, laying just a few kilometers from Turkey. Rhodes is not only full of sandy beaches but also has a few small mountains. This makes it not only a perfect destination for swimming and sunbathing, but also for walking or hiking. I only wanted to do one thing on this vacation - rest.

I spent most of my time laying on the beach, at the pool or in the bed. Of course, these activities became really boring after a while, so we decided to go explore the island a little bit. 

We rent a car and went to visit the “capital” of the island, which has the same name. The city was divided into old and modern town. We went to see the old town, to understand the history of the island better. However, it was only a big market full of shops with gold, cosmetics, food, and clothes. I have seen many more old towns that looked a lot better. On our way back to the hotel, we stopped at a monastery and in the city of Lindos. There were both located on a hill and had a really nice view.  

The second trip was a two-hour boat trip. It took us to the city of Lindos and we had the great opportunity to see all the bays and places you can’t see from the shore. We also had a swim in a cold sky-blue water. 

However, the nicest experience I had on Rhodes was the food. The Greek cuisine is very good but there is this restaurant in southern Rhodes that has the best one I ever tried. In Murella, there is not only wonderful food but also a very kind atmosphere. If you are planning to visit Rhodes, you have to go and have a dinner in Murella. 

In a nutshell, if you are searching for a place, where you can rest and get energy for the next days, Rhodes is the ideal one. 

Rodos je jeden z najväčších Gréckych ostrovov, ktorý leží len niekoľko kilometrov od Turecka. Pláže sa tu striedajú s nízskymi horami a preto sa na Rodose dá okrem kúpania aj chodiť na turistiku. Ja som mala na Rodose tento krát jediný cieľ - oddýchnuť si. A to sa mi aj podarilo.

Väčšinu času som preležala na pláži, pri bazéne alebo v posteli. Samozrejme nás tieto aktivity po troch dňoch omrzeli. Tak sme sa rozhodli trochu objavovať. 

Požičali sme si auto a navštívili sme “hlavné mesto” ostrova, ktoré ma rovnomenný názov. Bolo rozdelené na modernú a starú časť mesta. Ako inak, sme najprv zavítali do starej časti, aby sme lepšie pochopili históriu ostrova. Akurát, že jediné čo nás v starom meste čakalo boli trhy so šperkami, oblečením a gréckym jedlom a kozmetikou. Osobne mi to až tak neprekážalo, ale videla som už omnoho viac krásnych starých miest. Cestou naspäť do hotela sme sa ešte zastavili v jednom kláštore na kopci a na začiatku mesta Lindos. Z oboch miest bol nádherný výhľad, ktorý naozaj stál za to. 

Druhý z výletov bola dvojhodinová jazda na loďke, ktorá nas odviezla k už spominanému mestu Lindos. Mali sme možnosť vidieť krásne zálivy a miesta, ktoré z pevniny len tak jednoducho neuvidíte a okúpali sme sa v studenom azúrovo modrom mori.

Každopádne najväčší zážitok, ktorý som na Rodose mala bolo jedlo. Grécka kuchyňa je sama o sebe skvelá, no v jednej konkrétnej reštaurácií v južnej časti Rodosu je naozaj neuveriteľná. V Murelle je okrem skvelého jedla aj domáca atmosféra, ktorá vytvára úplnú idylku gréckeho večera. Ak sa niekto z vás chystá na Rodos, určite si tam dajte večeru. 

Takže v skratke, ak hľadáte miesto na dovolenku, kde si v kľude oddýchnete a načerpáte energiu, Rodos je ideálny.